Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Introducing "Sacred Groves"

It's a fascinating story. An inquisitive fourteen-year-old boy named Joseph Smith is said to have wandered into a forest grove in upstate New York, and received a heavenly vision, a powerful encounter with God the Father and Jesus Christ.
Smith was confused by the seemingly conflicted denominations of organized Christianity, and so he asked the personages who appeared to him which of the different churches he should join. Smith was told that he was to join none of them, because they were all corrupt.

Smith later went on to found the Mormon Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), building it upon his claim of restoring the failed church that Jesus Christ had originally established on the earth.

The "Sacred Grove" in upstate New York, where Smith is said to have received this vision, has now become a pilgrimage site of sorts for Mormons. It has also become a powerful emblem in the mind of many Latter-day Saints about Smith's personal encounter with God, and ultimately, their own desire to come face to face with Him.

The details and even the historicity of Smith's vision in the Sacred Grove have been disputed; nevertheless, we adopted the idea of "sacred groves" for our series of online video testimonies, because it is a compelling metaphor...testimonies of men and women who have sought their own encounter with Jesus Christ...and who have found new life in Him!

Many Mormons are seeking a true, genuine encounter with Jesus. They often wonder why they haven't been able to find this in their religious organization. So many are walking through their own "sacred groves," and like Joseph Smith, are questioning the status quo, and looking outside the realm of familiar religion for the answers to their questions. But this process often reveals unsettling challenges to everything they've always believed.

This website is dedicated to freely sharing the stories of those Mormons who have walked the often difficult path through their own "sacred grove" and have encountered life on the other side--life in the true, living, Jesus Christ.

Wherever you may be on your own "sacred grove" path, our hope and prayer is that these testimonies will help give you courage--and encouragement--on your journey. What we do here is not to attack anyone, but rather, point to the Source of truth, hope, and life.

If you have already passed through your "sacred grove" and encountered the living Jesus, we invite you to share your story with us, so that you may also encourage those who are walking that pathway after you.

We share these testimonies and stories--these "sacred groves"--with you, so that you may know that Jesus Christ alone is the Way, the Truth, and the Life!


  1. I am so blessed to have come across your blog!
    I have subscribed to you on YouTube and I have really enjoyed the videos you have posted so far of Adams Road! I also have some online ministries and I have shared their testimonies on my sites! I look forward to viewing and sharing more truth in the future!
    God Bless You for your faithfulness to our Lord Jesus Christ and for sharing His Truth in Love!

  2. Long story short ...

    I spent most of my life in the Pentecostal church. My Mother was raised Anglican although raised also within the context of a Freemasonry family. My father was raised Catholic. My Mother had an encounter with Jesus... her own Sacred Grove journey but I don't think she went on it intentionally. Life circumstances really brought her to it and Jesus came to her and the veil was lifted. She received a miracle healing and to this day doctors and my father say the healing is explainable.

    As for myself well... it's a long story and I journal about my own sort of Sacred Grove journey although it's not out of Mormonism but out of a religious system and into a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ resting fully in the grace of Jesus for the atonement of my sin, a journey of resting in the love of the Father and my identity in Christ.

    I hope you blog more. I hope you share more about the journey because I'm really interested in hearing more about the journey of folks who are in the middle questioning and doubting the church and who are lifting their attention and desire towards Jesus Christ as both Lord and Savior.
