Friday, January 28, 2011

"Unveiling Grace" Homestretch!

Dear Friends,

Greetings and Happy New Year from Sacred Groves!

The day we've been awaiting for nearly a year is fast drawing close--the DVD release of Sacred Groves' first feature-length film, Unveiling Grace.

If you've been on our mailing list for a while, you know that this has been in the works for quite some time...since not too long after the whole "Sacred Groves" ministry idea began to take shape. Our goal was simple--to use personal stories as a way of helping people who are struggling with their questions and doubts about Mormonism, and to serve as signposts to a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.

We have been contacted by several Latter-day Saints and former Latter-day Saints to tell us that these stories have been instrumental in their struggle to break free from religious bondage. For some, one story or another will resonate in particular. "It was good to see that I wasn't the only one!"

Others have timidly contacted us with penetrating questions brought up by these personal stories. It is difficult for many of them to ask such questions freely in their religious environment. To give voice to these questions can have serious repercussions. We are grateful that God has put us in a position to be a "safe place" where those questions can be addressed.

Perhaps the main question that underscores all the others is, "Is there life outside of the Mormon Church? If I set out on this path, will I find anything out there that is better than what I have now?"

Unveiling Grace is the story of eight people who walked that very same pathway. Some of the things that they have to say might surprise you. They're not bitter or angry over their lives as Mormons. But they have discovered something that far surpasses anything they ever knew during their lives as Latter-day Saints. For them, the veil has been lifted, and they encountered the life-changing power of Jesus' abundant gift of grace!

To that end, for as long as we are able to do so, we will give away the DVD to any Mormon who contacts us and asks us for one. So if you are a Mormon (or in the process of becoming one), this offer is for you. Visit the web page to fill out your information, and we'll get a copy of this DVD to you once it's ready. There are no strings attached--you won't be on any list, and we won't contact you any further, unless you tell us you want to be contacted. (But please, Mormons only!)

If you are NOT Mormon--if, for example, you are a Christian wanting to gain an appreciation for the struggle of many Mormons...or better yet, you are looking for a tool to share the Gospel of Jesus with Mormons you know, then we're asking for nothing more than our base cost. The amount we ask ($4 each, or $3 each in quantities of 10 or more) only offsets our basic material and distribution costs.

And...until the DVDs are ready for release next month, we are lowering the asking cost on pre-orders-- $3 a copy, or $2.50 in quantities of 10 or more. You can pre-order your copy (or copies!) now from the web page.  Once the DVDs show up on our doorstep, we'll start shipping them out.

Upon release of the DVD, we will also post the entire film online right here on this website, so anyone can see it anywhere, at no cost at all. (And frankly, we don't care how people hear the good news of Jesus...only that they hear it!)

And friends, this film contains good news--really good news. Not because we are skilled in designing anything or putting it together, but for the simple reason that God's Word is powerful, and this is the story of how God's word changed lives in powerful ways.

So if you are in need of some good news, we pray that this film will clearly share with you Jesus' love, and His invitation to you to be in a life-changing relationship with Him!

If your life has already been changed by His Good News--if His grace has already been unveiled to you--then we pray that this film will be an encouragement, and that you would find it useful in sharing that Good News with people you know that still need it!

This project has been a joy for us to be a part of, and we've been deeply impressed by these stories that have been entrusted to us. So we are now anxious to share them with you, and our prayer is that Jesus Christ will change many lives through His word...and we would be thrilled if He chooses to use our humble efforts in the process!

In Jesus, and for His glory!

-- Sacred Groves (A Ministry of Main Street Church)